Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Scripture:  So Solomon sat on the throne of his father David; and his kingdom was firmly established. Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of his father David; only, he sacrificed and offered incense at the high places. -- 1 Kings 2:12; 3:3

Are you sure I am your choice?  This comes as a real surprise.  I did not expect to be appointed to this position in a million years.  I am not a Ph.D.   Are you sure that I am the one?  These are the questions I raised when appointed to a position at a seminary several years ago.  Their response was, “Tiffney, you are young, you are a woman, you are single, you are innovative, and you love the church…when we look at you we see the future!” 

There were probably many reasons why Solomon would not be a suitable king, especially given that his father, David was one of the most notable kings in history.  Solomon had large shoes to fill; however, the very characteristics people used to disqualify him from being worthy of the appointment, God used as justification for why he was indeed the right one to succeed David.  The reality is that God’s succession plan was likely not even Solomon’s plan; however, when the moment arrived, Solomon said yes and fully embraced his new role as the king of Israel.

Invitation:  Is there an unimaginable possibility before you?   Grab hold of it and lay at the foot of the cross.  Discover what happens…

Prayer:  King of Kings, thank you for seeing us according to our full potential and calling us forth do things that we never imagined.  Even when we feel don’t feel qualified to serve, you sustain us and teach us to stretch beyond our potential.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Amen.  

The Reverend Tiffney Marley

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