Come Holy Spirit
Scripture: Acts 2:4--All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other
languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
Along with the early disciples, we have eagerly awaited the coming of the
Holy Spirit and until now, our pursuit of the Holy Spirit has been primarily
for the comfort, guidance and protection promised through the indwelling the
Holy Spirit. But there is a greater measure than just what the Lord can do for
us or accomplish through us.
The greater measure is intimate, real-time communion with our triune
God. It is being so integrated with
God’s Word, God’s Son and God’s Holy Spirit, that His thoughts are ours and
what moves His heart moves ours. God’s divine invitation is essentially an
invitation to communion. It is an invitation towards intimate partnership,
participation, and fellowship.
The early church understood this term as koinónia. So vital was this
understanding of relationship with God amongst the New Testament community that
it is the essence of Paul’s final
blessing for the Corinthian church. He prays: “May the grace of the Lord Jesus
Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you
all”. (2 Corinthians 13:14).
If anyone knew the difference between simply having the Word of God but
not the Spirit, Paul understood. A zealous upholder of the word, Paul never
experienced the full power and salvific love of God until His encounter with
Jesus and His baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Perhaps today, some of us are realizing that we have always, only had the
word of God. Perhaps today, some of us are realizing that we have never
experienced an upper room encounter with the Spirit of God. If that is where
you find yourself today, be encouraged! He is near and more eager to commune with
you than you could ever imagine.
Today, invite the Holy Spirit to commune with
you. And may your new tongues of praise and prophetic proclamation shine forth
the light and love of God in ways miraculous and unimagined.
"More" by Kimberly and Alberto Rivera
Prayer: Lord God, you know every language of every people and tribe all over this
great planet that you have created. Help me today not to be bound by cultural
identity to the point that I reject the moving of your Holy Spirit. Enable me to receive your love through people who do not look like me, who do not
worship the way that I do and people who do not speak my language. Holy Spirit,
give me a deeper appreciation of the many ways in which you speak in the
earth: the chirping of a bird, the laughter of children, or the gentle breeze
on a lovely day. Help me to discern your voice. For those of us who speak in
tongues, or in a language received from your Holy Spirit, help us to use that
language for the building up of our own faith and help us use that gift to be a
blessing to our families and communities. In the many ways that you commune
with your creation, Lord, help me to be more aware, appreciative and
responsive! Holy Spirit, give me the ability to increase the ways in which I
communicate with you. Expand my spiritual horizons this day!
Elder Leslie Nambo