Faith Walk
Scripture: Romans 4:13-25
Focus Verse: No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, being fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. (Rom. 4:20-21)
Ninety-nine years old, Abraham had every reason humanly possible to doubt the words of the Holy One. However, despite his body “already as good as dead” and “the bareness of Sarah’s womb,” Abraham believed (v. 19). Abraham dared to believe in the faithfulness of his Creator. While earthly evidence indicated the inability for Sarah and Abraham to conceive, faith revealed otherwise. God fulfilled the promise.
Life often presents us with reasons to doubt the words of the Holy One. Cancer, addiction, unemployment, hunger, war, malaria, child prostitution…the list is endless. Yet, through the gift of faith, through the Holy Spirit, we trust in the promise of Christ.
Like Abraham, we give glory to God despite the messiness of our lives. We praise our Triune Lord for walking with us in the midst of our pain and joy. We give thanks for our Redeemer who continually enters into our pain and joy. We rejoice in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ who is our salvation. We live each day in faith confident that God fulfilled the promise.
Prayer: Faithful Lord, you fulfill your promises. Strengthen our faith in you. Continue to walk with us in the messiness of our lives. Amen.
Jennifer M. Manis
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