Sunday, March 11, 2012

SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 2012

Life-Giving Cross

Scripture:  Mark 8:31-38

Focus Verse: [Jesus] called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me…” (Mark 8:34)

Perhaps you know her. Each Sunday morning she sits in the back row, left-hand side of the sanctuary with three children in tow. The kids never utter a word during the service as crayons and puzzle books keep them busy. Mom smiles and nods politely as you greet her but never utters more than a “How do you do?” Dad doesn’t sit with them. In fact, you aren’t sure the last time you saw him. Maybe at the children’s baptism?

Leaving church today, she’ll take the kids to grandma’s house. She braces herself for what is to come. She knows he’ll be drinking. What she doesn’t know is if the day will result in fresh bruises and a phone call to grandma. “Can the kids stay with you tonight?”

Reaching out for refuge, she met with her pastor years ago. The pastor's words, “This is your cross to bear,” rang out. These are now words she carries with her. 

Is THIS her cross to bear?

I’ve been thinking a lot about cross-bearing.  What it is.  What it is not.  Does it come from following Jesus, from turning away from the idols of the world? Or does it come from others mistreatment or manipulation of you? 

What crosses do you bear?

Jesus does call us to deny ourselves and take up our cross, but at the same time Jesus grants new life. The tension between new life and crosses are messy and might unsettle us. How do we proclaim new life in the midst of worldly pain?

It seems to me that ALL of our pains, burdens, and sorrows (as well as our joys) lead to the Resurrected Savior.  

Following Jesus is never easy. But it is always life-giving. Embrace the life-giving cross which comes from loving as God loves. Dare to live into the promise of the resurrection.

Prayer:  Alpha and Omega, in you we have our beginning and end. Help us to let go of the crosses of the world and embrace your cross. Keep us on your path, walking each day in newness of life with you. Amen.

Jennifer M. Manis

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