Lead by the Good Shepherd
Scripture: : John 10:11-18
There is a difference between a rancher and a shepherd? A rancher drives cattle from behind, but a shepherd leads sheep in the front. Shepherds led their sheep out on the hills where there is green grass and water to nurture and protect them. Jesus is willing to lead us and all we have to do is follow.
When I was growing up there was a game we played called, “follow the leader.” The object of the game was to do everything the leader did. If you missed a step, arm wave, hop or whatever you were out. When we follow the leader with Jesus as our Shepherd, if we step out of line we are not casted away. You see Jesus has two sheep dogs, called Goodness and Mercy. They come for us to usher us back into the flock. They follow behind keeping the sheep in line and safe so they do not get lost. The Good Shepherd heart is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.
I can relate to the Good Shepherd somewhat, because of my role as a mother and grandma. There is a special bond between a mother and her child. Having a child does not make a woman a mother. The hired help did not have a bond with the sheep. Being a mother is a 24/7 job that starts at birth and never stops. The Good Shepherd cherishes every stage in our development and is great multitaskers. A mother (good Shepherd) is a selfless person who always put her children first. The maternal instinct is strong, she know each one of her children names and personal needs. She will fight to the death to protect her children. Jesus laid down my life for the sheep. Jesus says “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.”
Prayer: Thank you God for loving us so much that you gave us Jesus. It is comforting to know that our Shepherd is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Knowing Jesus can warm and gladden our hearts in every situation. Amen.
Prayer: Thank you God, you continue to allow us to ask for more of you. Fill us up completely with your anointed Spirit. Let your Spirit overflow all over me. Send your anointing to heal broken hearts and lives, to tear down the walls of this generation, to take away the pain and fears of this world, and to restore your people. Amen.
The Reverend Betty A. Brown
Prayer: Thank you God, you continue to allow us to ask for more of you. Fill us up completely with your anointed Spirit. Let your Spirit overflow all over me. Send your anointing to heal broken hearts and lives, to tear down the walls of this generation, to take away the pain and fears of this world, and to restore your people. Amen.