Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012

With the Power that You have Received, Prophesy!

Scripture:  Acts 2:18b--In those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.

We seem to have come full circle with our journey towards Pentecost and the role of prophecy in this magnificent movement of God to secure complete communion with His creation. 

Our Ezekiel text in the beginning of this week showed us God’s preference for the use of prophecy to speak those things that be not as though they were. Can dry bones live? Certainly!

We witnessed God’s preference for the use of prophecy to bring forth life in all of creation as David reminds us of the working of the Spirit in Psalm 104.  Our scriptures in the Gospel of John reminded us to set our minds and hearts to seek the spirit of God. John further reminded us of the role and function of the Holy Spirit as advocate and teacher, both within our lives and within the heavenly realm. 

Lastly have been reminded of the indispensability of the third person of the Trinity. It is not enough to have God the Father and God the Son, we must also encounter God the Holy Spirit in order to be considered sons and daughters of God.

These themes of divine invitation and the power of prophecy have become crystal clear. And delightfully, in this weeks journey toward Pentecost, we find that we are already responding to this invitation.  We will receive the Holy Spirit! We will prophesy! We will commune with our Triune God both personally and communally, and we will expect a manifestation of His presence as we gather together on one accord! In these days, we shall fully embrace the manifested presence of our God, visions, dreams, prophecy, diverse tongues and all! Yes, Come Holy Spirit, Come!

Prayer:  Creative and Life-Giving God, Thank you that you desire to commune with me. I thank you that it is your desire to have a living, active and dynamic relationship with me in which we share with one another, talk to one another and love one another unconditionally. This past week, I have learned much about your Holy Spirit. I have come to realize how vital it is that I nurture my relationship with you in the fullness of who you are: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As we celebrate Pentecost today, bless me with the baptism of your Holy Spirit. Your word says that to all who ask, they shall receive. I ask you today for this Baptism, the same baptism that was released to your disciples on the day of Pentecost. Like them, may I begin to speak prophetically whatever you would have me to speak so as to give your name all of the glory, the honor and the praise in the earth! Amen.

   Elder Leslie Nambo

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