Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

An Unlikely Hero

Scripture:  1 Samuel 17:32-37

Contrast Goliath and David.  While Goliath had been a warrior from his youth, David was “just a boy” (v33).  Goliath was an intimidating giant; David was “ruddy and handsome” (v42).  Goliath had a helmet of bronze, a coat of mail, greaves of bronze, an iron-tipped spear, a bronze javelin, and multiple shield bearers while David was armed with a sling, five rocks, and a shepherd’s staff and bag (v5-7;40).  Goliath was on the battlefield to deliver his brethren in military victory, and David was on the battlefield to deliver food to his brothers.

The two were unevenly matched, and the odds were not in David’s favor.  David was an unlikely hero; he didn't look the part, wear customary armor, nor use conventional weaponry.  Yet, God used him mightily to slay Goliath, to shut the mouth of the antagonistic foe, and bring glory and honor to God’s name.  What is more, God used David’s trying times in the pasture to give him confidence and to prepare him for the battlefield.

Like David, we do not need to be dismayed at the sight, sounds, and threats of our foes; rather, we can concentrate on the presence, Word, and promise of the Living God!  We need not “fit the mold” or walk in someone else’s armor or shoes; instead, may we trust that God can use us to confront and conquer any foe.

Prayer:  Living God, grant us confidence to believe in ourselves and, more importantly, to trust in you.  Transform our tests into testimonies that you may get the glory through all we do, Amen.

 The Reverend Adrienne Denson

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