Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Savers or Thrashers

Scripture:  John 3:1-17

One of my favorite Scripture Union songs, growing up in Ghana, goes:
One of my favorite Scripture Union songs, growing up in Ghana, goes:
He did not come to judge the world,
He did not come to blame
He did not only come to seek
It was to save he came
And when we call him Saviour (3x)
Then we call him by his name.

In our disposable society, throwing things away has become second nature. Even recycling can become a form of throwing away. Sometimes we throw away what looks like trash because of the container, only to search for it in vain another time. I recall an incident when one of my nephews gave a trash bag containing yards of rich lace fabrics to the charitable organization which collects used clothing for Vets. 

At least about a $1000 was lost that morning from inattention and from using the container to determine the content.
I’ve thrown some valuable things away through a similar lack of attention. Sometimes it is a priceless irreplaceable heirloom, sometimes a friendship that I have not nurtured or dismissed for one or other reason. You see, it is so easy to be a thrasher instead of a saver. Saving, rather than trashing, calls for attentive caring. It calls for another look, a second and a 70x70 chance in any given day for a life time.

Now imagine that it is God who is undertaking this caring look in God’s life time. You have to believe then that the possibilities are endless and limitless. “Hallelujah! What a Savior” we sing.

Just think that you have been invited and equipped to be part of this people and world-saving task.  What will your answer and attitude be?  Will you be a saver or a thrasher?

Prayer:  Dear Lord, teach me to love like you do. It is the only way I can be saved from being a thrasher and be transformed into a saver. Thank you again for counting the cost and saving me nevertheless. Amen.

 Dr. Esther Acolatse

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