Jeremiah 33:14 -16
This is the first Sunday in Advent.
I love this season, because we developed a family tradition
several years ago, of what we call ‘doing Advent’. What that means, is that
today I pull out the bought Advent wreath, the candles, which may be mix
matched, if I haven’t been able to get the correct advent colors, (have you
ever tried to get the right color advent candles the Saturday before Advent?
Let me tell you it’s nearly impossible), and our homemade advent additions.
These include the artificial leaves we add to fill the wreath out, the last year’s
Christmas cards, a hymnal, a children’s book of Advent stories ( even though
the girls have out grown them), and of course, the candle snuffer. Each night we ‘do Advent’. We gather at the
table that holds the wreath, light a candle, share our reading, pray for the
family whose Christmas card was chosen that night, sing a carol, and of course,
extinguish the candle. Everyone takes turns sharing a different role each night.
It’s a welcome, microcosmic, foretaste of a time, when ‘swords will be
converted into plowshares’.
For a few years we also lit a Peace, Hope and Justice Candle. I think we’ll do it again this
year. This candle, created during the latter years of apartheid, became a
symbol of hope, and a sign of the struggle, against this demonic system. It remains a symbol of the promise in our
text, “In those days and at that time, I
will cause a righteous Branch to
spring up for David; and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the
land.” V 15.
So, today we light the candle of Hope, leaning toward the
future. Christ has come, and Christ will
come again! He will implement justice and righteousness in our world. Even so,
come Lord Jesus, come!
Lord Jesus
in this Advent season we eagerly await your coming, with power and great
glory. Fill us with your hope that all
darkness will recede into your marvelous Light! Amen.
For more on the Peace,
Hope and Justice Candle see:
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