Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Rise to Bless You Still

Scripture:   Numbers 21:4-9
     O God beyond all praising,
     we worship you today
     and sing the love amazing
     that songs cannot repay;
     for we can only wonder
     at every gift you send,
     at blessings without number
     and mercies without end.
     We lift our hearts before you
     and wait upon your word,
     we honor and adore you,
     our great and mighty Lord.
     Then hear, O gracious Savior,
     accept the love we bring,
     that we who know your favor
     may serve you as our king;
     and whether our tomorrows
     be filled with good or ill,
     we'll triumph through our sorrows
     and rise to bless you still:
     to marvel at your beauty
     and glory in your ways,
     and make a joyful duty
     our sacrifice of praise.

On my wedding day, I walked down the aisle to the above hymn, "Rise to Bless You Still".  At the time, a few of my wedding guests thought the song was out of place.  Perhaps they thought it was overly somber.  But I believe it echos the wedding vows that are so essential to a Christian marriage: for better or worse, in sickness and in health... I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.  If only we could approach God this lent with similar resolve and steadfastness!  Come what may, I love you and will always love you.  I will serve all the days of my life.  As the hymn says, “and whether our tomorrows/ be filled with good or ill,/ we'll triumph through our sorrows/ and rise to bless you still.”

This disposition of heart is precisely what was lacking among the Israelites as they complained about life in the desert.  Yesterday, we looked at how important it is to be grateful for the wonderful things God does in our lives, even when they require sacrifices of us.  Today, I want to challenge us to go one step further and focus on the phenomenon of being in love.  When we are in love, nothing is important except being with the one we love.  We feel ready to tackle anything life can throw at us, so long as we are with them.  Today, let us look at our sorrows and joys in this light—as someone who is in love with God and willing to face anything as long as we can do so with our Lord!

Beloved Lord, I am in love with you.  I am ready to meet the sorrows and joys of each day so long as you will take my hand and be with me through it all.  Never let me lose sight of our love when the going gets tough. Amen.

 Mary Beth Beauchamp

1 comment:

  1. Thank you sister for this Word! It is my biggest pursuit to receive the Love of God in my life. Blessings to all!


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