My Cup Runneth Over
Scripture: Psalm 23: 5b You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
We are so blessed! This season of Lent is supposed to help us understand, to realize that we have been blessed beyond measure, not through any effort of our own, but through the graciousness of what God has done for us through Jesus Christ.
When we spend time with God in conversation, in prayer, in scripture study and in worship, we are preparing for goodness. The time spent with God helps us live a life of protection from external negative influences, and our own conflicts. To let God pour the oil of the Holy Spirit over our life from the very hairs of our head to the tips of our toes, is to let God completely cover you.
Close your eyes and mediate on what does this anointing mean in your lives? Are you ready to allow God to anoint your head with oil?
God is a God of plenty! To have the cup full, or a little less than full is enough for us. It may be enough for us, but not for God. The Lord delights in filling it, when invited; and when we bid her stop, She keeps on pouring. She pours until Her Spirit overflows. She not only quenches our thirst, She does more than enough! She does more than we deserve. God’s Spirit ignites us with a spark to be move forward in our walk to grow closer to her and to move outward in our communities.
We have not earned all our blessings; they have been gifted to us. And in response, we are called to offer our lives as a gift in return, to be used by the Good Shepherd to help bring others into the flock. When we think of how our cups overflow, how can we keep from giving thanks?
Song: Deitrick Haddon "Change is Gonna Come"
Song: Deitrick Haddon "Change is Gonna Come"
Prayer: Thank you God, you continue to allow us to ask for more of you. Fill us up completely with your anointed Spirit. Let your Spirit overflow all over me. Send your anointing to heal broken hearts and lives, to tear down the walls of this generation, to take away the pain and fears of this world, and to restore your people. Amen.
The Reverend Betty A. Brown