The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Scripture: Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley
I really do not like being in a valley. Valleys can be dark and dank, full of shadows. Things lurk above our heads, hiding in the bushes and rocks, ready to jump on us and devour us as we walk through the valley. Death resides in the valley. In the valley you can't see what lies ahead. In the valley the mountain above appears too big. We feel it can never be climbed or conquered, and it can never be trusted. We think it will fall and crush us. Sometimes we stay to long in the valley. Then there are the times when we enter the valley take some steps, but turn around and never make through the valley to the other side.
In 2011, I was a guest in the valley of shadow of death more than I cared to be; however, I am grateful to God for being with me.
Song: Kurt Carr, "I Almost Let Go"
Song: Kurt Carr, "I Almost Let Go"
Prayer: Now, as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. Help me to face whatever is in the valley because I know I will soon be on the mountain ahead. I know that death no longer dwells in the valley or on the mountain. Death has been conquered. Only the shadow of death still lurks in the valley, trying to keep us from seeing the top of the mountain. The mountain where Jesus stands with his hands held high, a beacon of everlasting hope for you and me.
Our faith is easy when everything is going well. But when you find yourself in the valley of shadow of death, it might need a jump start. Do you still believe in God when our Life's become a Living Hell? Everything in and around you seem to quickly go south and upside down in our life. What are the valleys in your life?
There's just one thing I really want to know about: Do you trust God while you are in the valley. What if God I tell you … to let go of the very thing (person) you think you have to hold onto. What if God tell you that you are going to lose everything you love so dearly? Will you let go? Will you stand on God’s word? Will you still believe the promise that God made to you? Even against all odds will you believe what God has said to you in the valley? . Cry and praise yourself out of the valley! Trust God in hard times, in sickness, in pain, and in my sadness. Tell God you trust her. Trust that God can help you and will never turn away from you. Amen.
The Reverend Betty A. Brown