Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Blessing Messiness

Focus Verse: God said to Abraham... “ I will bless [Sarah], and moreover I will give you a son by her. I will bless her, and she shall give rise to nations; kings of peoples shall come from her.” (Gen. 17:16)

Four small words amidst many. “I will bless her” (v.16). I wonder if Abraham even heard them or if these four small words simply slipped by unnoticed as he struggled to grasp each word the Lord uttered in that moment.

Why should the Holy One bless Sarah? Who is she that the Lord announced blessing upon her?

Only a few seconds ago Sarah and Abraham were Sarai and Abram, a couple grappling with the messiness of infertility, old age, and the promise of an heir (Gen. 15-16). Seeking to provide Abram with an heir, Sarai presents him with Hagar. As her slave-girl, Hagar could serve as a surrogate mother for the couple, a custom of the day. Not surprisingly, the situation results in less than ideal behavior from all the parties involved, and yet, there is blessing.

In a distorted relationship, where our human judgment pushes us to seek retribution for Sarai’s previous actions, our Merciful Creator announces blessing: “I will bless her.” God knows the sins of Sarai and still blesses her. God knows our sins and still blesses us.

What does it mean for the Holy Trinity to pronounce blessing? What does it mean for blessing to enter into our messy lives?

When the judgment of the world urges us to seek vengeance for the wrongs done to us and done to others, our Lord speaks blessing. This is not a superficial blessing that overlooks our sin, but a blessing that acknowledges our brokenness, beckons us to repentance and forgiveness, and embraces us fully as we dare to live into the vast love and grace which is the Blessed One.

Prayer: Blessed Redeemer, in you resides forgiveness and new life. Strengthen us to turn away from sin and turn toward you. Pour out your blessing on us and make us a blessing to all whom we encounter. Amen.

Jennifer M. Manis

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