Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Cultivating Gratitude

Scripture:  Psalm 107:1-3

Even if we realize the importance of having an attitude of gratitude, it is often easy to complain about our blessings when they require sacrifices of us.  In the Psalm today, we find a simple way to cultivate and sustain a thankful heart. The Psalmist calls us to realize God's goodness, acknowledge who we are in relation to our Creator and to give God praise.  These three acts reorient our minds and hearts toward heaven.  We realize who we are and how wonderful it is to be loved by God as precious children.  When we focus on God and the ways we reflect God's goodness ourselves, the cares and trials of our day are not given undo significance.  Instead, our hearts become light.  We become convinced we were created for heaven and serving God through the labors of our day becomes a labor of love.  When our hearts are filled with gratitude and praise, the Lord is able to redeem us and gather us together from the four corners of the earth.   But these miraculous deeds can only be done for those who are filled with gratitude and love for God. 

Take a few minutes to reflect on what makes you the person you are.  List several of your talents, the ways God has pressed his fingerprint onto you.  Then offer the Lord your service, giving him your talents and efforts to bring about his kingdom.

Generous LORD, Thank you! Thank you for giving me life.  Thank you for saving me and refining me in this life so that I will be prepared to be with you in the next.  Help me to shine brightly as the person you created me to be and thereby, radiate your love to those I meet today.  Fill my heart with gratitude today, that I may better love and serve you. Amen.

 Mary Beth Beauchamp

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