Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Peace! Be Still!

Scripture:  Mark 4:35-41

I eagerly left the Tanzanian city of Dar es Salaam (“harbor of peace”) for the beautiful island of Zanzibar.  All the seats inside the boat where taken, so my friends and I were forced to stand on the deck.  Together, we admired the beautiful day and the majesty of God’s creation.  Everything was perfect until “a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat” (v37).  While we had no fear of sinking, we were drenched, shook up, and seasick.  Stumbling inside to seek shelter yet unable to find a chair, I collapsed on the floor with the luggage, hugging a stranger’s suitcase and praying for calmer waters.

How much worse the disciples must have felt when they encountered a fierce storm “in the evening” (v35)!  I imagine they were even more dismayed that Jesus remained asleep, unaware of their welfare and the magnitude of their plight.  Awoken by their alarm, Jesus rebuked the storm and his disciples, questioning both their fear and their faith.  

Sometimes we too find ourselves in the dark, in midst of an unexpected storm, far from the harbor of peace, and questioning whether Jesus cares about our plight.  Yet in those trying times, we can rest assured that Jesus is in the boat with us, calming both us and the storm, strengthening both our faith and our witness.

Prayer:  Sweet Jesus, thank you for calming the storms and hushing the waves in our lives.  Decrease our fear, and increase our faith so we can trust you more fully with our lives, Amen.

 The Reverend Adrienne Denson

1 comment:

  1. Very timely for me seven days after finding myself on the scene of a tragic event that caught me by surprise. Reading this meditation and taking deep breaths that truly, we must be still and know that God is faithful and will not abandon us when we go through the deep waters of life!


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