Friday, March 16, 2012

FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2012

Barriers to the Call

Scripture:  1 Corinthians1:18-21

It is ironic that I am writing about this topic in a blog post. We live in a world of free form journalism in which average citizens with the help of blogs, YouTube videos and Twitter have declared themselves experts on everything. In this society, writing a blog, posting a video, or microblogging self-qualifies anyone to be an expert.

In addition, we have a wealth of information available to us through our social media networks. As a result, many unfiltered messages assault us daily. Everyone has an opinion on something. With all of the noisiness of tweeting, texting and instant messaging, it can be difficult to hear God’s specific call.   

In today’s scripture, Paul preaches about Divine wisdom.  Given all of our media communications, how do we discern between wisdom and foolishness?

We must not allow the noisiness to drown out God's wisdom.  We must look to Jesus, the source of true wisdom.

Prayer:  Lord, as fear and pride cloud your vision for us, speak to us to remind us who we serve. Amen.

 Emma Akpan

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