Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Come and Worship

Scripture:  John 12:12-26
"The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him." (Common English Bible, v. 12)

Company’s coming! Those are the only words my mother had to say to get us all in gear.
It was a call to pick up newspapers, fold the afghan, wash dishes, hang clean towels, run the vacuum cleaner, and put on a fresh pot of coffee. Even today I am able to get a whole lot done a half hour before company arrives! But hospitality isn’t about impressing folks with our housekeeping skills, but making sure our guests know they are most welcome in our homes, our faith communities and our lives .

The people heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. This is a big deal. This is what the great crowd has been waiting for, they are ready. With their voices raised in song, they wave palm branches in the air, fling the gates wide and welcome Jesus to the city.

As the story continues, we learn that the disciples don’t get it. It’s not always easy to understand the workings of God in our world or in our lives. It all can seem a bit strange or even a bit mundane. A man riding on a donkey. But the crowd remembers that this is the one who raised Lazarus from the dead.  Yes, we plead with the Greeks, “Sir, we want to see Jesus.” But sometimes he is right in front of us, the divine wrapped up in humanity, riding on a donkey.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, we do want to see you. So open our eyes, our hearts and our minds, that we may join the crowds in worshiping you. Amen.

 The Reverend Gloria McCanna

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